Donate Funds
Running a not-for-profit organisation such as Paws Rescue Qatar means we’re always in need (and very much appreciate!) any donation our supporters can spare.
Without people travelling, we have not been able to send dogs abroad as we used to, and yet our daily inbox shows more animals than ever before are in desperate need – through abandonment and abuse, as well as tragic accidents and the lack of neutering the stray populations, we feel the full force of this tragedy.
Our small team of volunteers works tirelessly on the ground, and behind the scenes to ensure that we answer pleas in emergency cases, find homes, and keep safe all in our care. Our numbers have risen dramatically in the last year, due to COVID, which in turn is relative to our rising costs for vet bills, food, and overheads. However, we are out of space, our bills are sky-high, and each day we are worried about how we can keep this up. Our rescues rely on us, as do those who wait in need. We want to be able to continue answering pleas for help, but unless we can bring in some much-needed money, the future looks bleak.
Funds go to all sorts of things, such as food and supplies for the animals, veterinary bills, upkeep of our animal retreat, fundraisers, assisting with adoptions, and the list goes on… and on.
There are many ways to donate money either via bank transfer, our UK Just Giving Page or via our PayPal – click on the donate button below. You can also choose to support our Qatar Just giving fundraising efforts by clicking on the Just Giving button below, or by leaving vet credit directly at our partner vet Royal Vet Al Wabb.
We thank you for your support!
Just Giving Campaign
Paws UK bank account details:
Bank name: HSBC UK
Sort code: 40-17-10
Account no: 32528169
IBAN: GB80HBUK40171032528169
Donate Pet Food and Supplies
Looking for a different way to help support animals in Qatar?
It can be as simple as picking up a few extra bits when you’re at the shops! Or perhaps you could organise a collection in your school or company!
Below you can find a picture of items we use everyday to keep our animals happy and healthy! If you pick up some donations during your next shop, we have two drop off points West Bay and Al Waab. Please email us for more information.