Our Sponsors

A big part of what we do is raising awareness in the community about the plight many animals face in Doha.  Abandoned animals in Qatar are abundant with families leaving their pets behind when moving. Often pets are purchased from local unauthorised breeders or from the local souq (market) without any prior pet knowledge and the owners are unused to, or not prepared for, the amount of work it takes to look after a pet and sometimes abandon them rather then look for a new home for their fur baby.

We couldn’t continue to help these animals without our sponsors. Our sponsors provide critical support such as provision of fuel, maintenance of the shelter & generators, carrying out pest control, and of course food donations.

Notable organisations which have given us their dedicated support include:


De Boer



If your school, business, or organisation is interested in collaborating or sponsoring Paws Rescue Qatar on a community or social responsibility initiative, please get in touch. We’d love to hear from you!